Bitonlive Support Senza categoria Audiocast User Manual

Audiocast User Manual



Audiocast is the encoder di BitOnLive that, in addition to managing inflows for streaming, allows you to manage the monitoring of output and recording of mass flow on the air, and resending the signal through IP addresses.


Through the main window you can monitor the encoder input stream with the waveform and the meter.

Click on Setting->General for enable or disable the monitor function.

Click on Settings->Channel for add or remove channels encode

By clicking on Add it opens the channel configuration window.


Enabled: enable or disable the monitoring system

Address: IP address of the monitor Computer

Port: UDP port for the communication with the monitor machines

Interval (ms): milliseconds for the Audiocast operation check


In this windows you can configure the general settings of the encoding channel.

Enabled: enable or disable the channel

Channel name: channel name displayed on Audiocast

Show waveform: enable the waveform view on the main window

Show meter: enable the meter view on the main window

Monitor label: warning message displayed in case of error


On the Input tab set the Audiocast input signal.

Type: indicates the type of input assigned to the encoder (UDP, Audio Device, Url)

The three input types provide different configuration parameters.

Type Udp


Port: UDP port for the communications

Buffer size (ms): buffer size in milliseconds

Type Device Audio

Device: audio input device

Buffer size (ms): buffer size in milliseconds

Type Url

Url: URL address of the input signal


On this tab you can configure the Audiocast outputs, sending it to a monitoring channel, to a steaming server, registration, or redirect to another IP address.

Audio Device

Enabled: enable or disable the audio device output

Device: select te output device


The streaming tab allow to configure the server stream data information


Enabled: enable or disable the streaming

Reconnection timeout (sec): seconds for reconnection in case of communication error

Type: server type (Icecast, Shoutcast V1, Shoutcast V2)

Address: streaming server address

Port: server comunication port

Username: (only for Shoutcast)


Stream ID: (only for Shoutcast)

Mount point: directory for the data access (only for Icecast)

Encoder: audio coding format (frequency and dits per second)

Metadata: Fix

In this tab insert the fix data for the streaming

Genre: radio station musical genre

Name: radio station name

Url: radio station URL address

Metadata: Title

In this tab select different types of metadata to be added to the streaming packets

Type: metadata type (Fix, Txt file, Xml file)

Title: fix title (only for the “Fix” type)

Filename: .txt or .xml file directory and name

Timeout read file (ms)

Artist & Title: enable and disable title or artist’s information (only for “Xml file” type)

Metadata: Tune in

Metadata for TuneIn application

Station id: station id on TuneIn

Partner id: partner id on TuneIn

Partner key: account password


By saving on file Audiocast creates audio files of one hour each. At the different file will be given this format:


Enabled: enable or disable the registration on file

Folder: directory of the save folder

Max days: number of days that will be stored in the folder

Encoder: audio coding format (frequency and dits per second)


Output signal Distribution to different IP addresses.

Click the Add button you can add more destinations for the output signal

Enabled: enable and disable the output channel



Remove: Delete the repeater IP form the list


Udp port

Mute on: command string to turn mute on

Delay (ms): time in milliseconds to delay the execution of the command

Mute off: command string to turn mute off

Delay (ms): time in milliseconds to delay the execution of the command

Audio Processor

Audiocast allows the use of a signal processor applied to the input signal before the distribution to the various configured output. The signal processor can be selected via the Type drop-down menu


Type: audio processor type selected (exrternal)

File: signal processor path and file name you want to use.


Type: : audio processor type selected (internal)


Enabled: enable and disable the audio compressor

Delay time (ms): compressor delay in milliseconds

Gain db: compressor gain in decibel

Threshold db: compressor threshold


Enabled: enable and disable the audio amplifier

Release time (ms): release time in milliseconds

Max amplification db

Attack time (ms): attack time in milliseconds

Additional info

At the end of configuration click on the Save button to active all changes made.

The working program appears with the following graphic:

Here is showed all the Audiocast information and the input signal waveform. To modify the configurations of the encoder ckick on the settings icon

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