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Device Manager User Manual

Device Manager It provides centralized control of external devices via IP communication using a proprietary protocol.

Between devices that can be controlled are Matrices, GPIO, Serials.

At any time you can view the status of Matrices and GPIO ports.


The main screen displays all the devices you want to control and selecting the device will display the status of the GPIO ports or connections for matrices.

The displayed item will be highlighted with a yellow background

It indicates whether the device is enabled (green dot) or off (gray dot)

Video Router

Manual settings: If enabled allows you to perform switching directly from the Device Manager

To perform the switching manually press the button first and then the output of the input

Video / Audio:It indicates that is switched both video and audio

Videos:Indicates that the video is switched only

Audio: Indicates that the audio is switched only

It displays the status of the matrix and to perform switching operations.

Enabled:It indicates whether communication with the device is enabled

Description:Description of the device

ID: Unique identifier of the device

Device:Type of device selected from those present in the list

Input Output:Label that can be assigned to each device port

Depending on the selected device configuration parameters can be changed:

  • Timeout read status (ms):How often re-read device status to be shown on screen
  • Wait after write (ms):Minimum waiting time between two switching
  • Address: Address for communication with the device
  • Port: Door of communication with the device


Manual settings: If enabled allows you to perform switching directly from the Device Manager

To change the state of an output press the corresponding ball.

The inputs can not be switched manually.

It displays the status of the matrix and to change the status of the output pin.

Enabled:It indicates whether communication with the device is enabled

Description:Description of the device

ID: Unique identifier of the device

Device:Type of device selected from those present in the list

Input Output:Label that can be assigned to each device port

Depending on the selected device configuration parameters can be changed:

  • Timeout read status (ms):How often re-read device status to be shown on screen
  • Wait after write (ms):Minimum waiting time between two switching
  • Address: Address for communication with the device
  • Port: Door of communication with the device


It allows you to communicate with the serial

Enabled:It indicates whether communication with the device is enabled

Description:Description of the device

ID: Unique identifier of the device

Port: Serial port with which to communicate

Baud Rate, Parity, Data Bits, Stop Bits, DTR, RTS: Parameters of the serial


Enabled:It indicates whether communication with the device is enabled

Description:Description of the device

ID: Unique identifier of the device

Address, Port:Address and port to send commands


It performs application every time the command is received

Enabled:It indicates whether communication with the device is enabled

Description:Description of the device

ID: Unique identifier of the device

Application: Application to run

Arguments:Any commands to switch to the application on the command line


Shared Folder: Folder where information is stored

Shared Folder Main Playout: Backup folder which stores the information

Broadcast address:Broadcast address where you can receive information.

Value 255 indicates that that part of the address is variable, lower values ​​indicate that it is a fixed part (values ​​vary depending on whether the network is class A, B, C).

When you add a device, you can choose the type from those listed:

Depending on the selected device will need to enter more information.

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